Financial Reports

Company employees growth

Growth in the number of the company employees since the first fiscal year 2020 until 30/6/2023

  • The above-mentioned numbers and rates clarify the rabid growth of the employment rates in the university. This growth is due to the horizontally and vertically expansions during the period from 2021 to 2023.
  • The academic sector represented nearly 65% of the total company’s workforce.
  • The operational sector (service departments) represented nearly 35% of the total company’s workforce.

Company Profitability Indicators

Growth in the number of the company employees since the first fiscal year 2020 until 30/6/2023

Profitability Ratios
Return on property Rights21.0817.16
Return on Assets2.336.61
Return on Invested Money28.0496.91
Gross Profit to Sales Ratio72%79%
Return on Sales55%79%